ESPRITA 4000 People who know me know I've been walking around spouting stuff like "if you need more than 8 colours you don't know what you're doing". :) All the artists who have taken time to draw those nifty magic workbench icons and backdrops will know what I'm talking about. Putting together decent to down-right cool images using a limited number of colours is really an art form in itself. Esprita 4000 is a workbench backdrop picture done in 8-colours that is compatible with MagicWB icons but does not use the standard MWB colours. I developed this palette for my own custom icons and have found it to be incredibly versatile. A palette prefs setting has been included in the archive should you want to use this picture as your own workbench backdrop. ---- Carleton Tsui (This e-mail address is valid until August 1996) Pssst...everything in this archive is ©1996 Carleton Tsui.